I coach founders and their boards through CEO succession

“Rare combination of superpowers” — Rory Stirling, partner at Connect Ventures

“Improved me as a leader” — Øyvind Reed, founder and CEO of Whereby

Two out of five new CEOs fail within 18 months¹

A poorly executed CEO transition can result in big losses in enterprise value, while a well-executed one can lead to tremendous growth.

How the leadership baton is passed will determine whether the founder CEO can have peace of mind or be kept up at night, even years after they have left the company.

A mishandled succession leaves all stakeholders exposed to public scrutiny and blame, which can tarnish their legacy.

¹ Harvard Business Review

“Evgeny has the patience to listen, the compassion to hear me without judgment, the empathy and experience of someone who has been there and done it.”

Rory Stirling, Partner at Connect Ventures

Hello, I’m Evgeny

After stepping down as the founder CEO of Makers, one of the UK’s leading coding bootcamps, I became a certified professional coach specialising in helping entrepreneurs through CEO succession.

I guide founders and boards through the complex personal, professional, and psychological terrain when the stakes are highest.

“Evgeny has improved me as a leader and as a person.”

Øyvind Reed, CEO of Whereby

“Having Evgeny as a coach was a real game-changer for me.”

Timothy Armoo, CEO of Fanbytes

“Whatever personal growth I may have found in recent months, I attribute to Evgeny.”

Ben Henley-Smith, CEO of cord

Startup CEO Succession:
A Founder’s Guide to Leadership Transition

Startup CEO Succession is the definitive guide for founders and their boards on the emotional and strategic challenges of a CEO transition as a startup leader.

“My bible for navigating this major life change.

Dan Murray-Serter, founder of Heights

Let’s Work Together.

“Sessions with Evgeny have had a huge impact on my work and my journey as a CEO.”

Christoph Lippuner, CEO of Semble

Subscribe to My Weekly Essay on Substack: Unconditionally Human

Unconditionally Human is your guide to the startup founder journey: embracing the CEO role or making a thoughtful decision to step down with clarity and purpose.

Check Out Past Essays:
11 Fears of CEOs in Transition | A Startup is not Meant to Make You Happy | Navigating Co-founder Conflicts